Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Goedendag form the Netherlands!
We just arrived in Maastricht where we are going to spend a fabulous christmas. We are staying here for the week-end, where we are going to visit the city wich is pretty and busy. Then we will go next week to a women's place who hosts us in exchange of our help. It's a first stop where we might learn more on permaculture. We are also trying to learn a bit of Dutch. But we already know the word paddestoel, and that is fantastic.
Yesterday we were in Sint Truiden, in the eastern part of the flamish Belgium where we met Colin, Isaure and Cléo (Aymeric's family). We were very happy to meet them, it was very unexpected but a great christmas present. It was weird to see all these familiar faces so quickly, but it was super nice!
It is almost a month that we left. Yes, it's already the end of December. We are doing good and we are still motivated by our project, we like the exchanges we have with the persons we meet. We feel home quickly everywhere, we eat well, we often cook crepes hehe! We are learning a lot about us and life by doing this duo travel and being all the time together. We feel like we're doing well. The rhythm of the trip fits us as well, we are taking our time and we like it!
The Netherlands now, here we come, with news landscapes, new language, new people, new adventures.

(check it out, it's fancy behind us!)
Thanks for following our adventures, most of all, don't hesitate to get in touch with us, we will always be glad to answer you!
Coming up, two articles about the agroecological forum of Brussels and our two weeks in the Semois-Ardennaise (Belgium).