Think cup, try the cup!
Good morning everyone!
After our stay on Møn then on Ærø (Denmark), we spent some times in Oslo (Norway) with Suzanne, friend of Anna, we arrived on the national day and we saw the king. Afterwards we went to Copenhagen where we met Aymeric's family, we really enjoyed spending time together. We're still in Copenhagen searching for interesting alternatives.
Few pictures from our last two weeks in Oslo and Copenhagen.

Then Copenhagen

Today... hey there girls, our discovery revelation: the menstrual cup. To talk about the cup on our site makes sense for us because this object is ecological but also an object for the well being of the woman. It's why we decided to share this with you today. It is a little cup that has a bell shape, very flexible, that goes into the vagina to collect the period blood. It replaces the tampon and menstrual pads.

IT'S MAGIC. Why is it super very awesome cool? It is a money saver! In fact, you buy it between 15 and 30 euros and it can be used for years, up to 10 years. Nothing to compare with the prices of the tampon and pads which every month makes you wonder about how unfair it is to be a woman. It is hygienic! First it's more healthy, there are no chemical products and deodorant on the cup. After each period, you have to make it boil so it can be re-used. It doesn't itch or scratch and it isn't hard like a tampon at the end of the period. It's also the end of the dryness and mycosis wich are stongly created because of tampons and pads who irritates and dry the vagina. It is odorless because the blood isn't oxidized by the air. So: good for the body, comfortable and odorless, what more to ask?! It is convenient! No need to have a whole stock of tampons or to be asking the friends for one. First of all you can wear the cup a bit before the begining of the period, that's no problem (it's the end of the troubles), and second, during the period you always have on you (maybe more "in you") what you need. You put it in the morning and change it in the evening for the night, isn't it wonderfull? It's freedom for the whole day! It's ecological! Yes, because it can be used for many years, but also, it's the end of all that waste that are tampons and pads in the trash can or worse, in the toilets. With the cup you're an active participant in the ecological transition by reducing your amount of daily waste! It's super trendy! In northern America, most of the women now have the cup. Few years ago, the cup arrived in France but the french didn't like it so it went off the market. As of now you can find many different types and colors for all the women on internet! You can find it in pharmacy and eco shops and even maybe in supermarket.

The question I (Anna) was asking myself before being addicted to it:
Is it hard to use?
Of course, you must be a little bit at ease with your body, but very important, if you're interested, don't get discouraged after the first tries. After the first period, you understand how it works and it becomes more easy and more happyness! The first times are a bit tough. Also you might be touching a bit of blood sometimes.
But, do I have to boil it everyday ?
During the period, the morning and the evening when you take it off, you just have to water-rince it, then you putt it back in. For me it was a bit stressfull since we're travelling. But actually there's no problem, if the sink isn't in the same place as the toilets, you just need a small water bottle with you!
Is it going to overflow?
No, we in fact find out that we don't loose so much blood. And if the periods are big, there are different cups for all women, and all periods. So, no panic!
How to take it off, because it must work as a suction cup?
You must squeeze the cup between two fingers, this makes some air go through and it comes out smoothly like a gift from the sky! And no if you squeeze it, in general it dosen't overflow.
Sincerely the cup changes the life, maybe today I'm praising it, but being better for the health, the wallet and the nature, there's really not much to hesitate about!
For the ones that are not so at ease with their body or that have small periods: during our trip we met Jelena, who made pads with coton fabric and bathroom towels. You can re-use them! You can have many different colors and they are way more comfy than the one sold in shops. I haven't try them out but Jelena is very glad with them. After use, she rinces them then wash them in the laundry with high temperature.
If you're interested, here you can learn how to make some:
And if our article doesn't answer all your questions, check the forums out, they will convice you!
To conclude, here is a cool video about the cup:
See you!
Anna (and Aymeric)