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Kura Waka

Hey hey hey, after our stay at Satyadev Barman's place in Svenborg, Denmark, we have met with Adrien, friend of Aymeric in Stockholm, Sweden! We could realize how big of a country sweden is, and hitchiking, thus, takes much more longer! With Adrien, we have spent a week at Tomas', close to Åsele in an almost self-sufficient farm, remoted into nature. We have discovered how fun fishing is, but also getting the water at the spring, and getting mousquito bites! We have now left Adrien to go North! And today we're happy to be in the Lofoten Ilands in Northern Norway! The snow stays still on top of the mountains who dive into the sea, gorgeous landscape, we're lucky! Some pictures of the past days.

Meeting again with Adrien

Tomas' Farm

Mousquito suit.

An evening, after a day hitchhiking.

Crêpes, just like in Brittany.

The fjords.

Midnight sun.

Now, let's make room for a place who welcomed us for two months this winter, and for a woman who taught us a lot, let's make some room for the magical Kura Waka, spiritual center who fed our hunger of discoveries! Kura Waka, at Michaela's in Roodeschool, in northern Netherlands. From february to april, from winter to spring we gave a hand to Michaela to run her center Kura Waka. Kura Waka is a consciousness development center which takes place in an old rennovated school. Michaela, living there, healer and yoga teacher here and there, hosts in her house activities, chamanism ceremonies and other spiritual rites. Everything is aiming toward consciousness opening and well-being! During the week-ends and weeks when the house is full, Michaela takes care of everything. She feeds and accompanies her hosts and also participates in the activities offered by the persons that she invites from all around the world. She herself offers sweat-lodge ceremonies and maori massages.. read below.

Michaela has been taught the traditional chamanism practices from south America (Peru), the ancestral rites from Central America (Mexico), and the Maorie traditional practices from New-Zealand. She's full of knowledge and goodness, she shares these traditions that were transmited to her with deep respect, it's her priority. These traditional practices that she keeps alive in the Netherlands are very old ways of deeply healing and opening the body and the mind, on different energy levels. The Southern american chamanism traditions are using plants that give visions allowing a inner and cosmic "trip" that help resolve sorrows and broaden consciousness. Of course, this is held during a ceremony that a chaman runs and guides. Michaela, looking like an enlightened elder is also a mother of three kids who likes to eat hagelslag (little chocolate chunks). We really liked this side of hers, completely open and into reality, we felt at home thanks to this. Thanks for everything Michaela. Michaela herself gives sweatlodge ceremonies, they are like natural meditative sauna, coming from central America. This ceremony, which doesn't use any plants, is using the natural elements to reconnect the human to the nature and the cosmos. Built with willow branches, straight on the earth, it is a little hut that is covered by thick blankets to keep the heat inside. Rocks coming out of the fire are brought to the centre of the construction and are then splashed with water, creating a warm and wet atmosphere.

Near by the sweatlodge: 

Photo: Nathalie.

The sweatlodge from Michaela's tradition are divided in 6 parts.

First part: welcome and preparation, at the entrance of the hut, by the fire.

Second part: 1st speaking round, inside, in the dark, it's hot but not too much. Everyone speaks and introduce himself to the others, to the cosmos, the ancestors, represented by the red rocks and by the water. We feel good. Eveyone can sing and express.

Third part: 2nd speaking round, new rocks coming in, it's more hot, everyone speak to pray for hiself, for what he/she needs help for. Michaela sings, everyone is with hiself, the heat rises a lot, we lay on our bellies, on the earth, our mother who is fresh, it feels nice. Fourth part: 3rd speaking round. New rocks, more water. Everyone speaks and prays for the others, for the family... We sing. Then comes the water and food ceremony. We pray over the water and the food. Everyone eats and drinks, it's a good moment to try to forgive someone.

Fifth part: 4th speaking round. Everyone speaks to be thanksfull. We sing and celebrate life and Michaela closes the ceremony.

Sixth part: Feast meal all together after a good shower.

We participated in three sweatlodges. Ours have lasted between four and six hours but it depends of the number of participant and of the tradition. We have personaly first felt a great physical and mental well-being. Also, these moment in the intense heat have taught us to be trustful, to surrender to the present moment, to speak and open up to the others, to the cosmos. This changed us on our way to communicate with the world soul, this invisible force wich links all of us, in wich we believe.

Michaela also gives deep healing massages that she learned in New Zealand with the Maoris. I, Anna, benefited from a massage. It was very strange, on the spot, very painful, I got walked on, intense pains that help old emotions, stucked inside the body, to relieve. Afterward, I was tired, really tired, I slept a lot and was sore all over during two days. Then, all went back to normal except something had changed inside of me. I became conscious of some pains or things that I was puting aside, which have now evolved, some physical pains for example.

Thanks Michaela.

We took part in a sound journey given by Natalie and Patrick who came from Luxembourg. Laying in a vast room, we traveled to the sound and healing vibes of their instruments, all different and strange. Relaxation, well-being and meditation are here.

Thank you.

Photo: Nathalie.

A week end spent with Anita Daulne (ex singer from the band Zap Mama) allowed us to discover the joys of polyphonic songs and their power! During three days, a group of women filled Kura Waka to sing with the extra ordinary chief. With harmonies, african songs, traditions and rythme danse, we lived an amazing week end full of joy and happiness.

During these two month in Kura Waka, we helped Michaela with home maintenance, group hosting, gardening, painting,... Many hands are needed to hold such a place!

This stay in Kura Waka with Michaela, Mamre her son, and Yann, a long time volunteer; has nicely opened the part "spiritual quest" of our project. We have lived new practices to open our consciousness, we use them everyday. Thank you Kura Waka

Here is the website:

We're taking the boat soon, towards the north, see you in one month in France! A&A in super shape!




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