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Hello everybody ! After some months far from internet we are back. Big excuses to our readers for this unexplained absence. To resume our months in France, we flew back to France in August to celebrate a family gathering, then, we organised and lived our first festival "l'Escale Terre Native" in Varades city. Then, we went during four months in Brittany where we were working in a huge 4 stars hotel thalassotherapy in Carnac. We worked as room maid to earn some money. Currently we are preparing to leave France soon again. In some days we will start to travel to Spain ! A little word about the festival.

Basically, the festival "l'Escale Terre Native", was a way to be with our friends after a long trip, but not only around a party or a dinner. We wanted to be with them during one week-end around our way of traveling, way of being.

60 people came these two days and all together we dived into the ways of living that we appreciate: ecology, well-beingness and spirituality. Each people has discovered, learned, participated in different activities. We were lucky to have with us so nice people to talk to us about: permaculture, ecological transition, alternative education, yoga, meditation, sophrology, non-violent communication,... all this with organic, local, vegetarian meals !

It was for us, thanks to all of you participants, an amazing experience, which touched us more than expected. We were moved by the human energy and all the sharings during this week end. We were also touched because each of you accepted to try new things and we were amazed to see all of you build with us these two days in peace. It was a first experience huge for us and we would like today to say thank you to everybody who was here this week end of August 2017. Thank you to our dear parents, our sisters, our friends who came to participate, Christelle for the poster of the festival, Nicolas for his big help in the kitchen, Julia from Madrid, our friends who were helping us durind this time. With much love, thank you.

Thanks for your pictures (Yves, Romain, Julia) A little bit about the Carnac Hotel. A beautifull day of September, we arrived in this amazing team of room maid. It was a new world for us. Like two young birds we were happy to discover this new place. We were looking for a place to earn money to continue our initial project by traveling around the world. With our rags and our lovely vacumcleaner we were running inside those big corridors looking for rooms to clean ! We met there a lot of realy kind and nice room maid that we miss a bit today. We discovered the other side of a big hotel with all the good things but also all the bad things, it makes us happy to leave this place in the end without regrets. We left this place in January to continue our main quest with some money in the poket and happy to be soon on the road again, far from this place where human conditions are not always respected.

A little bit about our departure. Here we are. Beginning of January, new year, new adventures! Some months ago we wanted to go to the United Kindom, then find a sail boat and then, the final decision is to stay on the earth on the roads to Spain. Happy we are to go in a warm country and happy we are to learn soon a new language, spanish, which will be usefull in other countries! We will leave soon our dear house in Brittany (Thank you, parents), we are checking if everything is ready, packing our bagpacks and let's go, A&A will be back on the road in a little week ! We will writte a new article about our adventures in Scandinavia of last summer during the week. We wish you a happy new year for 2018, a lot of peace and love to all of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR

Aymeric and Anna




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